• Mustafabad Jattan 143530
  • 82646077777 , 9914292111, 9316196161
  • shivalikc.i.e@gmail.com

National service scheme

The National Service Scheme (NSS) at Shivalik Institutes Gurdaspur embodies our institution’s unwavering commitment to social welfare and community development. It stands as a testament to our belief that education extends far beyond the classroom, and that students have a pivotal role to play in the betterment of society. Our NSS unit is a dynamic force, comprising dedicated volunteers who selflessly devote their time and energy to a myriad of social causes. From conducting health awareness campaigns and organizing blood donation drives to spearheading cleanliness and sanitation initiatives, our NSS volunteers are at the forefront of community service.

Under the guidance of passionate faculty coordinators, our NSS unit has successfully implemented numerous projects that have made a tangible impact on the lives of individuals and communities. Whether it’s advocating for environmental sustainability, imparting essential life skills to underprivileged youth, or offering support to marginalized groups, our NSS unit is a beacon of positive change. Beyond the immediate benefits to the community, this experience empowers our students, instilling in them a profound sense of responsibility, empathy, and leadership.

Furthermore, the NSS at Shivalik Institutes Gurdaspur actively collaborates with local NGOs, government bodies, and other stakeholders to amplify its outreach and effectiveness. This spirit of collaboration exemplifies our dedication to forging meaningful partnerships for the greater good. As we look ahead, we envision an NSS that continues to be a catalyst for social transformation, a platform for nurturing compassionate leaders, and a driving force in building a more inclusive and equitable society.

In conclusion, the NSS at Shivalik Institutes Gurdaspur is not just a program; it is a testament to our core values and our belief in the power of collective action. It represents the embodiment of our students’ commitment to be responsible global citizens who actively contribute to the welfare of humanity. Together, we strive to create a legacy of positive impact and meaningful change that will resonate far beyond the boundaries of our campus.